Electronic Device Policy
Electronic Device Policy
Electronic Device Policy
Tennyson Middle School students are to adhere to the Waco ISD District-Level Student Code of Conduct regarding electronic devices and technology resources (Section II).
The campus reserves the right to make exceptions based on administrator approval. Therefore, students at Tennyson Middle School are allowed to use their cell phones before school begins and during lunch.
At all other times, such as during class and in the hallways between classes, cell phones should remain out of sight and ring tones should not be heard.
The policy stated above also applies to headphones, earbuds, MP3 players, gaming devices, and any other device such as these.
If a student has permission from his/her teacher to use a cell phone for an educational purpose only, that is allowable.
Students are not allowed to listen to music on their personal devices while doing classwork as research does not support this practice as a strategy for student success.
All other aspects of the Student Code of Conduct regarding electronic devices and technology resources will be enforced in an effort to maximize the learning potential and atmosphere of Tennyson Middle School.